Durga Pujo Story


Hiiii friends!!!! Long time, no story, no posts, no likes nothing.  Yes dear, it  totally went off . Ya, my Laptop got angry and refused to listen to my instructions as if it was asking for some rest. Last forthnight was so eventful, I wanted to share every bit of it. Was henpecked bcz all the photos were locked in my laptop. I was busy with  Durga Puja festival and I could not get time to get it repaired. Thank God, today I got it back and hence get an opportunity to pen down the details of the festival, the food I cooked and dinning outside home.



 It was Dussehra week which is celebrated all over India. But for Bengalis all over the world, it was “Dugga Pujo” week . This is the festival which all Bengalis look forward to for the whole year. On the last day of the festival that is Vijaya Dashami, when Maa Durga idol is immersed in river ganges, the crazy Bengalis start planning for the next year Pujo!! It was a joyous week spent with family and friends. Here are some pictures of few Goddess Durga idol of Delhi and a glimpse of the beautiful 1.4 km long Alpona rangoli on the streets of Kolkata.


The festival was more eventful for me. Guess how!!! I went commercial with my home cooked food for the first time, although it was at a very small level. During Dura Puja,  a home cooked food fest is organized in most of the Delhi Puja Pandals. In this food Fest, only housewives and young girls from neighboring residential area are allowed to put up food stall of home cooked food and sell it. The customers are also mostly from the neighboring area. It is real fun.  This time, I too put up a food stall. I sold, Chingri Polao/prawn pulao/pilaf, a typical Bengali cuisine and grilled chicken in red wine sauce, topped up with grilled tomato and olives. Both the items was a hit, it flew fast from the table. I will share the recipes on my next separate post.

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8 Comments Add yours

  1. Hey.Belated Happy Durga Puja..Its such a delight to see your post again..Lovely pictures and post..Thank you for sharing this with us !!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. blondieaka says:

    Wow that looks beautiful Anshu, my friend who lives in Bangalore blogged about this it all looks very lovely and I am sure your food tasted amazing…I wish you a belated happy Durga Puja. Here is her blog you might want to look at https://notesonaboardingpass.wordpress.com/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Lovely!! Thanks for sharin the blog.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. blondieaka says:

        You are welcome it all looked so lovely … Very pretty 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. flavours2017 says:

    Subho bijoya –‘ and looks like you enjoyed Durga Puja utmost —‘ lovely pictures and nice post

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Shubho Bijoya Sangeeta !!!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. mysecretplate says:

    Beautiful post 👌

    Liked by 1 person

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